Written by Frank Mankiewicz, former press secretary for Senator Robert F. Kennedy

I've been thinking about Fred all day...I read [his] chronology, and discovered to my joy that at the very top of his achievements was our joint success as a winning Gov-LtGov ticket for the Junior Statesmen. We loved that event, as you know, and whenever we'd connect thereafter, whether thinking up some great phrases for Pat Brown, confronting the Caryl Chessman choice, planning Peace Corps strategy with Fred and his White House colleagues, our 85 days together in the RFK campaign--whatever the circumstance (and there were hundreds), we'd recall those days with the Jr. Statesmen. He was a graceful, solid and splendid friend of great humor and often startling precision, judgment and depth. I loved him too, and think how grateful we all must be--you more than anyone--to have shared so much for so long.